Facebook's recent focus shift was the surge in low-quality branded clickbait content shared across the platform. Some publishers relied heavily on vaguely relevant and exaggerated clickbait titles to generate clicks or views. Previously, generating a large number of clicks improved organic visibility on Facebook, showing that content was of interest to platform users.
But after all, some of that ghost mannequin effect content has misleading headlines, and many users didn't actually read these articles before clicking the share button. As a result, there has been a surge in misleading and totally false information across the social media ecosphere. Marketers need to focus on engagement rather than clicks.
Content that receives most of its traffic from a single source is now considered a measure of clickbait. Click to tweet In other words, focusing on getting a lot of clicks, regardless of value, is not a wise move. Instead, prioritize the value that users get from consuming content. Measure metrics such as time spent on the page and bounce rate to focus on the content that your viewers find most valuable.