The Guitar Lick-tionary
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Learn the essential lines and techniques of the world's greatest guitarists with this super cool book/CD pack from Musicians Institute! Set up like a dictionary, it provides clear, concise instruction and application tips in standard notation and tab for licks in all styles of music, including rock, blues, jazz, country, pop, acoustic and fusion. The accompanying CD features 99 demo tracks so you can hear how each lick should sound.
This A minor pentatonic (A C D E G) lick is straight out of the Clapton/Page/Beck school of classic blues-rock guitar. Starting out in the pentatonic box in 5th position, it climbs to the Albert King box at the 8th fret. Notice the use of repetition, which results in a cool rhythmic displacement of the main motif. This lick is best utilized over a power chord progression.
g Blues Turn. a. roundA classic open-string blues turnaround:Every guitar player should be armed with a vocabulary of these.Useyour pick for the bass notes and pluck the descending melody withyour second finger.
@ r\"u.. Rock\"' There are plenty of acoustic players who don'tjust strum open G chords. check out this neat pickingidea that addssome nice color. Think of the F# and D notes as a C chord shape, upa whole step(without the root). Thanks to James Tayror for greatsongs and great guitar praying.A Al3sus A Dmi l l /A a)
Lou . i s . i . an . a B luesThe key of E is made for theguitar, and this lick exemplifies that. Droning the high E stringwhile playinga melody on the B string gives this lick an authenticold blues flavor. There are many variations in theopen Eposition.
O Rap. id BendsOne of the great things about the guitar is themany different ways you can play a note. This l ickdemonstrates twoapproaches. By rapidly alternating between a fretted and bent D,released to a Cf,,you create an interesting effect. And becauseit's a three-note pattern, it creates an odd-against-even(sixteennotes to a beat) effect.
@ World BeatThis bright, happy rhythm typifies the feel of a lotof world-beat guitar parts, usually based around majorpentatonicmelodies and played with a clean tone. Often, a muting technique isemployed. Theharmonies are typically simple, as in this example,moving from a I chord to a V chord. 59ce067264
To play the guitar we need to know about lick tionary it's a short series of notes used in solos and melodic lines and accompaniment.